Cultivated Mentality is an extremely authentic story based off the riveting novel called “CULTIVATED MENTALITY.” It is a raw and gritty film that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland.. A place often referred to as Bodymore, Murdaland. This film takes you through the life of a young man named Louie Johnson who lived in the suburbs but was taken into a detrimental world by way of his older brother Rico. His brother’s Rico and Eli were heavy hustlers in the streets of west Baltimore. Louie was exposed to things he’s never known existed. Later in life he went out for a government agency only to have those memories come back to haunt him. Part 1 Stay connected, subscribe to the YouTube channel follow each person/character on Instagram Cultivated Mentality @cultivatedmentality AmenRa Darby/Writer/Director @amenradarby Louie/ @kenith.mccoy Eli/ @certified_kk Big Yo/ executive pro/ @beats_by_da_plug Knuckles/ @slick.sambo Big Steele/ executive pro/ @killbill3571 Hicky/ @alstondonnell Zigzag/ @spills.general Detective Pinchback/ @eddienumbers Detective Rodgers/ executive pro/ @cote_cheese Jaw Breaker/ @loyaltyvstrustbrandco Cousin Rell/ @forreal357 Stripper 1/ @datbitchnamedjuicy3 Stripper 2/ @ellie_yabish for any bookings or inquires email Investment app I use called acorns. Starting gaining some wealth Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use my invite link:
CULTIVATED MENTALITY Part 1 Dir. by @AmenRaDarby