Music video by ElCamino, Black Soprano Family performing New Bills (feat. Benny The Butcher). (P) 2023 Black Soprano Family, LLC
let wordList = ["juicy","power","kanye","chris","brown","juelz","sauce","money","cardi","racks","lewis","migos","bruno","glory","loyal","wayne","lamar","bling","drake","young","flava","freak","megan","gucci","quavo","logic","tiara","tpain","geazy","snoop","nasir","storm","belly","shaft","fresh","bones","crips","crash","drugs","bitch","truth","hurts","bodak","boner","scott","sicko","kills","crack","pussy","world","human","lyric","jason","shade","beats","style","rhyme","flows","dripp","grind","fiend","ghost","miami","flint","akron","tampa","brick","pound","jails","trick","bronx","vegas","jcole","beast","rocky","views","astro","flame","dirty","pablo","danny","xxxxx","tyler","music","group","death","after","rocks","stuss","pelle","gunit","kappa","dopey"]; let height = 6; let row = 0; let col = 0; let gameOver = false; let correctGuess = false; const offsetFromDate = new Date(2023,0,1); const msOffset = - offsetFromDate; const dayOffset = msOffset / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; const word = wordList[Math.floor(dayOffset)]; console.log(word); let todayPlayed = {}; let allTimeGamePlayed = []; let todayplayeddone = false; let dateTime = new Date(); let currentYear = dateTime.getFullYear(); let currentMonth = dateTime.getMonth(); let currentDate = dateTime.getDate(); if(currentMonth < 10) currentMonth = "0"+currentMonth; if(currentDate < 10) currentDate = "0"+currentDate; let todayDate = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate; window.onload = function() { intializeEnglish(); } function copyToClipBoard() { hidePlayed(); let todayWordlePlayed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todayWordlePlayed")); if(todayWordlePlayed != null) { for(let d = 0; d < todayWordlePlayed.length; d++) { if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate) { let copyScore = "Wordle "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["todayWordle"]+" Score : "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["score"]+"/6"; navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyScore); let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "Score copied!"; = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { = "none"; }, 2000); break; } } } } function checkTodayPlayed() { let todayWordlePlayed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todayWordlePlayed")); if(todayWordlePlayed != null) { for(let d = 0; d < todayWordlePlayed.length; d++) { if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate) { todayplayeddone = true; for(let h = 0; h < todayWordlePlayed[d]["guesses"].length; h++) { for (let r = 0; r < 5; r++) { document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).innerHTML = todayWordlePlayed[d]["guesses"][h][r]; if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "A") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("absent"); else if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "P") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("present"); else if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "C") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("correct"); } } let keys = document.querySelectorAll(".key-tile"); for(let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { keys[k].style.cursor = "default"; keys[k].style.pointerEvents = "none"; } document.querySelector(".enter-key-tile").style.cursor = "default"; 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todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; allTimeGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(allTimeGamePlayed)); } else { = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate; todayPlayed.word = word; todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords; todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; todayWordleGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(todayWordleGamePlayed)); } document.getElementById("played").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").innerHTML = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) document.getElementById("yourScore").innerHTML = allGuesses.length+"/6"; 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messageBox.textContent = "Not in word list!"; = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { = "none"; }, 5000); } } if(!gameOver && row == height) { gameOver = true; messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "Almost! Good luck next time!\n Correct Word is :"+word; = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); let currentWordIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentWordIndex')); currentWordIndex--; localStorage.setItem('currentWordIndex', currentWordIndex.toString()); } } let result = []; function check(input, wordle) { const letters = Array.from(input.toUpperCase()), word = Array.from(wordle.toUpperCase()); result = Array(5).fill(''); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (letters[i] === word[i]) { result[i] = 'green', word[i] = ''; letters[i] = ''; } } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!letters[i]) continue; const index = word.indexOf(letters[i]); if (index !== -1) { result[i] = 'yellow', word[index] = ''; } } return result; } let allGuesses = []; let typedLetters = ""; function update() { let guess = ""; for(let c = 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + "-" + c.toString()); = "white"; let letter = currTile.innerText; guess += letter; } guess = guess.toLowerCase(); check(guess,word); let correct = 0; let letterCount = {}; for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { letter = word[i]; if (letterCount[letter]) letterCount[letter] += 1; else letterCount[letter] = 1; } for(let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText; if(result[c] == "green") { currTile.classList.add("correct"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter); keyTile.classList.remove("present"); keyTile.classList.add("correct"); correct += 1; letterCount[letter] -= 1; if(correct == width) { gameOver = true; correctGuess = true; let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "You did it! Great Job!"; = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); } } } typedLetters = ""; for (let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText.toLowerCase(); if(!currTile.classList.contains("correct")) { if(result[c] == "yellow" && letterCount[letter] > 0) { typedLetters += "P"; currTile.classList.add("present"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(!keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) keyTile.classList.add("present"); letterCount[letter] -= 1; } else { typedLetters += "A"; currTile.classList.add("absent"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) continue; else keyTile.classList.add("absent"); } } else typedLetters += "C"; } allGuesses.push(typedLetters); row += 1; col = 0; result = []; } function hidePlayed() { document.getElementById("played").style.display = "none"; document.querySelectorAll(".tile").forEach(tile => { tile.dataset.disabled = "yes"; 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Music video by ElCamino, Black Soprano Family performing New Bills (feat. Benny The Butcher). (P) 2023 Black Soprano Family, LLC