let wordList = ["juicy","power","kanye","chris","brown","juelz","sauce","money","cardi","racks","lewis","migos","bruno","glory","loyal","wayne","lamar","bling","drake","young","flava","freak","megan","gucci","quavo","logic","tiara","tpain","geazy","snoop","nasir","storm","belly","shaft","fresh","bones","crips","crash","drugs","bitch","truth","hurts","bodak","boner","scott","sicko","kills","crack","pussy","world","human","lyric","jason","shade","beats","style","rhyme","flows","dripp","grind","fiend","ghost","miami","flint","akron","tampa","brick","pound","jails","trick","bronx","vegas","jcole","beast","rocky","views","astro","flame","dirty","pablo","danny","xxxxx","tyler","music","group","death","after","rocks","stuss","pelle","gunit","kappa","dopey"]; let height = 6; let row = 0; let col = 0; let gameOver = false; let correctGuess = false; const offsetFromDate = new Date(2023,0,1); const msOffset = Date.now() - offsetFromDate; const dayOffset = msOffset / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; const word = wordList[Math.floor(dayOffset)]; console.log(word); let todayPlayed = {}; let allTimeGamePlayed = []; let todayplayeddone = false; let dateTime = new Date(); let currentYear = dateTime.getFullYear(); let currentMonth = dateTime.getMonth(); let currentDate = dateTime.getDate(); if(currentMonth < 10) currentMonth = "0"+currentMonth; if(currentDate < 10) currentDate = "0"+currentDate; let todayDate = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate; window.onload = function() { intializeEnglish(); } function copyToClipBoard() { hidePlayed(); let todayWordlePlayed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todayWordlePlayed")); if(todayWordlePlayed != null) { for(let d = 0; d < todayWordlePlayed.length; d++) { if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate) { let copyScore = "Wordle "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["todayWordle"]+" Score : "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["score"]+"/6"; navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyScore); let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "Score copied!"; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; }, 2000); break; } } } } function checkTodayPlayed() { let todayWordlePlayed = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todayWordlePlayed")); if(todayWordlePlayed != null) { for(let d = 0; d < todayWordlePlayed.length; d++) { if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate) { todayplayeddone = true; for(let h = 0; h < todayWordlePlayed[d]["guesses"].length; h++) { for (let r = 0; r < 5; r++) { document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).innerHTML = todayWordlePlayed[d]["guesses"][h][r]; if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "A") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("absent"); else if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "P") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("present"); else if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["letterAPC"][h][r] == "C") document.getElementById(h+"-"+r).classList.add("correct"); } } let keys = document.querySelectorAll(".key-tile"); for(let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { keys[k].style.cursor = "default"; keys[k].style.pointerEvents = "none"; 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todayPlayed.word = word; todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords; todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; allTimeGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(allTimeGamePlayed)); } else { todayPlayed.date = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate; todayPlayed.word = word; todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords; todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; todayWordleGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(todayWordleGamePlayed)); } document.getElementById("played").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").innerHTML = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; 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messageBox.textContent = "Not in word list!"; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; }, 5000); } } if(!gameOver && row == height) { gameOver = true; messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "Almost! Good luck next time!\n Correct Word is :"+word; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); let currentWordIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentWordIndex')); currentWordIndex--; localStorage.setItem('currentWordIndex', currentWordIndex.toString()); } } let result = []; function check(input, wordle) { const letters = Array.from(input.toUpperCase()), word = Array.from(wordle.toUpperCase()); result = Array(5).fill(''); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (letters[i] === word[i]) { result[i] = 'green', word[i] = ''; letters[i] = ''; } } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!letters[i]) continue; const index = word.indexOf(letters[i]); if (index !== -1) { result[i] = 'yellow', word[index] = ''; } } return result; } let allGuesses = []; let typedLetters = ""; function update() { let guess = ""; for(let c = 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + "-" + c.toString()); currTile.style.color = "white"; let letter = currTile.innerText; guess += letter; } guess = guess.toLowerCase(); check(guess,word); let correct = 0; let letterCount = {}; for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { letter = word[i]; if (letterCount[letter]) letterCount[letter] += 1; else letterCount[letter] = 1; } for(let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText; if(result[c] == "green") { currTile.classList.add("correct"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter); keyTile.classList.remove("present"); keyTile.classList.add("correct"); correct += 1; letterCount[letter] -= 1; if(correct == width) { gameOver = true; correctGuess = true; let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "You did it! Great Job!"; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); } } } typedLetters = ""; for (let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText.toLowerCase(); if(!currTile.classList.contains("correct")) { if(result[c] == "yellow" && letterCount[letter] > 0) { typedLetters += "P"; currTile.classList.add("present"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(!keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) keyTile.classList.add("present"); letterCount[letter] -= 1; } else { typedLetters += "A"; currTile.classList.add("absent"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) continue; else keyTile.classList.add("absent"); } } else typedLetters += "C"; } allGuesses.push(typedLetters); row += 1; col = 0; result = []; } function hidePlayed() { document.getElementById("played").style.display = "none"; 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The Hip Hop Wordle

The Hip Hop Wordle
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Learning the Hard Way 2 | Street Crime Movie | Full Movie | Black Cinema

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Noah and Ava are willing to do anything to stay out of jail even if that means breaking the law. Stars: Shaunii Arce, Dre Smithen, Derrick Michael Lately, Kizra Deon Directed by Silk White ** If you enjoyed this move, be sure to check out our new YouTube channel dedicated exclusively to Black Cinema. Subscribe to Black Stories! –    / @stash_blackstories   ** Subscribe to Stash TV! –    / @stash_movies   Welcome to Stash TV, the home of free movies and TV. Subscribe, watch more full movies, and find our app on Fire TV! Great works of drama reveal true insights about the human condition. In-depth character studies, tense emotional stories, and everything in between can open your mind to new, human experiences. Discover these independent stories from filmmakers illuminating their perspective, available on Stash Movies. Original programming available solely on Stash Movies. Watch hundreds of movies for free. Enjoy unlimited streaming with no credit cards, no subscription, and half the ads of regular TV. Stash Movies is building the world’s largest catalog of free movies and TV. There is something for everybody; from drama to romance, documentaries to classics, and niche favorites such as horror and classic westerns. ** All of the films on this channel are under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors through Filmhub. For copyright concerns or takedown requests, please contact your Filmhub Account Manager or visit https://filmhub.com and they will help you resolve your issue. ** If you are a filmmaker and want to include your film on this channel, visit https://filmhub.com. #fullfreemovies #StashTV #freeyoutubemovies #BlackCinema

Felicia Johnson

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