let wordList = ["juicy","power","kanye","chris","brown","juelz","sauce","money","cardi","racks","lewis","migos","bruno","glory","loyal","wayne","lamar","bling","drake","young","flava","freak","megan","gucci","quavo","logic","tiara","tpain","geazy","snoop","nasir","storm","belly","shaft","fresh","bones","crips","crash","drugs","bitch","truth","hurts","bodak","boner","scott","sicko","kills","crack","pussy","world","human","lyric","jason","shade","beats","style","rhyme","flows","dripp","grind","fiend","ghost","miami","flint","akron","tampa","brick","pound","jails","trick","bronx","vegas","jcole","beast","rocky","views","astro","flame","dirty","pablo","danny","xxxxx","tyler","music","group","death","after","rocks","stuss","pelle","gunit","kappa","dopey"];
let height = 6;
let row = 0;
let col = 0;
let gameOver = false;
let correctGuess = false;
const offsetFromDate = new Date(2023,0,1);
const msOffset = Date.now() - offsetFromDate;
const dayOffset = msOffset / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
const word = wordList[Math.floor(dayOffset)];
let todayPlayed = {};
let allTimeGamePlayed = [];
let todayplayeddone = false;
let dateTime = new Date();
let currentYear = dateTime.getFullYear();
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let todayDate = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate;
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if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate)
let copyScore = "Wordle "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["todayWordle"]+" Score : "+todayWordlePlayed[d]["score"]+"/6";
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if(todayWordlePlayed != null)
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if(todayWordlePlayed[d]["date"] == todayDate)
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keyTile.addEventListener("click", processKey);
if (key == "ENT") {
} else {
if (key == "⌫") {
keyTile.innerText = String.fromCharCode(9003);
function saveToLocalStorage()
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if(todayWordleGamePlayed == null)
todayPlayed.date = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate;
todayPlayed.word = word;
todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords;
todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses;
todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1;
if(correctGuess == true)
todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length;
todayPlayed.score = "X";
localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(allTimeGamePlayed));
todayPlayed.date = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate;
todayPlayed.word = word;
todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords;
todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses;
todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1;
if(correctGuess == true)
todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length;
todayPlayed.score = "X";
localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(todayWordleGamePlayed));
document.getElementById("played").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("todayWordle").style.display = "inline-block";
document.getElementById("todayWordle").innerHTML = wordList.indexOf(word)+1;
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document.getElementById("yourScore").innerHTML = allGuesses.length+"/6";
document.getElementById("yourScore").innerHTML = "X/6";
function processKey()
let e = {"code" : this.id};
let typedWords = [];
let enteredWord="";
function processInput(e)
if (gameOver) return;
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if (col < width)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + col.toString());
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col += 1;
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col -= 1;
enteredWord = enteredWord.slice(0, -1);
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + col.toString());
currTile.innerText = "";
else if (e.code =="Enter" && col == width)
if (wordList.includes(enteredWord.toLowerCase()))
enteredWord = "";
else if (!wordList.includes(enteredWord.toLowerCase()))
let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "Not in word list!";
messageBox.style.display = "flex";
setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 5000);
if(!gameOver && row == height)
gameOver = true;
messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "Almost! Good luck next time!\n Correct Word is :"+word;
messageBox.style.display = "flex";
setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 3000);
let currentWordIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentWordIndex'));
localStorage.setItem('currentWordIndex', currentWordIndex.toString());
let result = [];
function check(input, wordle)
const letters = Array.from(input.toUpperCase()),
word = Array.from(wordle.toUpperCase());
result = Array(5).fill('');
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (letters[i] === word[i])
result[i] = 'green',
word[i] = '';
letters[i] = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (!letters[i]) continue;
const index = word.indexOf(letters[i]);
if (index !== -1)
result[i] = 'yellow',
word[index] = '';
return result;
let allGuesses = [];
let typedLetters = "";
function update()
let guess = "";
for(let c = 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + "-" + c.toString());
currTile.style.color = "white";
let letter = currTile.innerText;
guess += letter;
guess = guess.toLowerCase();
let correct = 0;
let letterCount = {};
for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++)
letter = word[i];
if (letterCount[letter])
letterCount[letter] += 1;
letterCount[letter] = 1;
for(let c= 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString());
let letter = currTile.innerText;
if(result[c] == "green")
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter);
correct += 1;
letterCount[letter] -= 1;
if(correct == width) {
gameOver = true;
correctGuess = true;
let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "You did it! Great Job!";
messageBox.style.display = "flex";
setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 3000);
typedLetters = "";
for (let c= 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString());
let letter = currTile.innerText.toLowerCase();
if(result[c] == "yellow" && letterCount[letter] > 0)
typedLetters += "P";
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase());
letterCount[letter] -= 1;
typedLetters += "A";
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase());
typedLetters += "C";
row += 1;
col = 0;
result = [];
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The Hip Hop Wordle
The Hip Hop Wordle
The Hip Hop Wordle Your Score : Thanks for playing today! Come back tomorrow to play again!
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NF & Eminem – INSANE (2023) This is collab with Bro @NXRemix 🔥🔥 Go & Support his Channel & Social Media! Eminem Parts made by NX REMIX NF Parts made by Me (PXNDO REMIX) All the Copyrights belongs to NF & Eminem! This is not official song, this is REMIX! Video edited by Me!! Beat Produced by @VladyTroy (Jakomo Beats) Instrumental: • For My Enemies (with Hook) – sad pia… ——— NX REMIX ——— Youtube: / prodbynamex Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nxremix ——— FOLLOW ME ——— Official Youtube Channel: / rillataan Instagram: https://bit.ly/2W2mYsJ​​​​ Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3uvKjTs Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/pendo_46 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pendo46 Twitter: https://bit.ly/2U5zYff​​​​ #nfrealmusic #Eminem #rap Eminem Remix, NF Remix, Insane Remix, Rap Remix, Pxndo Remix, Eminem, NF, Insane, Eminem fall, Rap remix, Hiphop remix, Motivational Remix, Rap Music, Hiphop music, Remix 2023, NF Eminem remix, Remix, Motivational music, Motivational remix, New music, Eminem hiphop remix, NF Face it, NF got you on my mind, New Eminem remix, Rap remix 2023, Eminem remix 2023, NF remix 2023, Insane Eminem remix 2023, Got you on my mind, NF Face it Remix, NF x Eminem Remix 2023, remix 2023, Eminem x NF remix, NF Eminem remix, NX remix, PXNDO x NX Remix, Pendo46, Namex Remix, NF instrumental, Eminem instrumental, Eminem lucky you, Phenomenal, NF hope, NF Warm up, NF Remixes, NF Eminem Remixes, Eminem Remixes 2023, New Remix 2023, Pendo46
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