let wordList = ["juicy","power","kanye","chris","brown","juelz","sauce","money","cardi","racks","lewis","migos","bruno","glory","loyal","wayne","lamar","bling","drake","young","flava","freak","megan","gucci","quavo","logic","tiara","tpain","geazy","snoop","nasir","storm","belly","shaft","fresh","bones","crips","crash","drugs","bitch","truth","hurts","bodak","boner","scott","sicko","kills","crack","pussy","world","human","lyric","jason","shade","beats","style","rhyme","flows","dripp","grind","fiend","ghost","miami","flint","akron","tampa","brick","pound","jails","trick","bronx","vegas","jcole","beast","rocky","views","astro","flame","dirty","pablo","danny","xxxxx","tyler","music","group","death","after","rocks","stuss","pelle","gunit","kappa","dopey"];
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let col = 0;
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let correctGuess = false;
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const dayOffset = msOffset / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
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todayPlayed.word = word;
todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords;
todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses;
todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1;
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todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length;
todayPlayed.score = "X";
localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(allTimeGamePlayed));
todayPlayed.date = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate;
todayPlayed.word = word;
todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords;
todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses;
todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1;
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todayPlayed.score = "X";
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document.getElementById("yourScore").innerHTML = "X/6";
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let typedWords = [];
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let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + col.toString());
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enteredWord = enteredWord.slice(0, -1);
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currTile.innerText = "";
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enteredWord = "";
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let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "Not in word list!";
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setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 5000);
if(!gameOver && row == height)
gameOver = true;
messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "Almost! Good luck next time!\n Correct Word is :"+word;
messageBox.style.display = "flex";
setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 3000);
let currentWordIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentWordIndex'));
localStorage.setItem('currentWordIndex', currentWordIndex.toString());
let result = [];
function check(input, wordle)
const letters = Array.from(input.toUpperCase()),
word = Array.from(wordle.toUpperCase());
result = Array(5).fill('');
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (letters[i] === word[i])
result[i] = 'green',
word[i] = '';
letters[i] = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (!letters[i]) continue;
const index = word.indexOf(letters[i]);
if (index !== -1)
result[i] = 'yellow',
word[index] = '';
return result;
let allGuesses = [];
let typedLetters = "";
function update()
let guess = "";
for(let c = 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + "-" + c.toString());
currTile.style.color = "white";
let letter = currTile.innerText;
guess += letter;
guess = guess.toLowerCase();
let correct = 0;
let letterCount = {};
for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++)
letter = word[i];
if (letterCount[letter])
letterCount[letter] += 1;
letterCount[letter] = 1;
for(let c= 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString());
let letter = currTile.innerText;
if(result[c] == "green")
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter);
correct += 1;
letterCount[letter] -= 1;
if(correct == width) {
gameOver = true;
correctGuess = true;
let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box");
messageBox.textContent = "You did it! Great Job!";
messageBox.style.display = "flex";
setTimeout(() => {
messageBox.style.display = "none";
}, 3000);
typedLetters = "";
for (let c= 0; c < width; c++)
let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString());
let letter = currTile.innerText.toLowerCase();
if(result[c] == "yellow" && letterCount[letter] > 0)
typedLetters += "P";
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase());
letterCount[letter] -= 1;
typedLetters += "A";
let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase());
typedLetters += "C";
row += 1;
col = 0;
result = [];
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The Hip Hop Wordle
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The Hip Hop Wordle
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Watch the official video for Offset‘s “Don’t You Lie” Stream // Download Offset ‘s “Set It Off” here: https://offset.lnk.to/SetItOff Exclusive Offset merch available here: https://www.offsetofficial.com/ Follow Offset Everywhere: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/91OFFSETYRN TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@offsetyrn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/offsetyrn Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/offsetyrn Lyrics: Don’t you lie, don’t you lie Don’t you, don’t you lie, yeah Pittsburgh Steelers with the black and yellow diamonds (go) Maybach coupe, in the seats I recline in (hey) Fresh out of jail, I ain’t know what I was signin’ (jail) I was havin’ drip ‘fore I knew about designer (woo) Lookin’ for the right one, then fucked around and found her (found her) Haters in the circle, had to get the fuck around ’em (hey) If we got a problem, make the young nigga down him (baow) Fuckin’ with a gangster, I bend you on a counter (hey) Runnin’ through these bands, you can never trust these hoes I ain’t fuckin’ with a fan, nigga, knowin’ that’s a no (no) Stand up like a man when the world get cold (man) Spray him with a tan, why he thought I was a hoe? (Why?) Jet goin’ Thailand, when I got a show (Thailand) Learn how to finance when I got a load (woo) Took her out a Scion, put her in a Rolls (Rolls) Shit is not science, get a bankroll (go) Porsche panoramic, she know I do damage (go) My watch white ceramic, give gifts like I’m Santa (Santa) Northside Atlanta, red like a panda (north) Servin’ that raw, Dirty Diana (raw) Shawty too raw, fucked her on camera (hey) Four-hundred-thou’ when I bought the Phantom (woo) Open your door, hoe, and show me your manners (hoe) Where would I be if I didn’t have Atlanta? (Yeah) Smoke what you want, then I blow out his candles (yeah) If that’s what he want, fuck it, that’s what he get (fuck it) I bought a Lambo’ and snatched up a kit (skrrt) She pull her phone out, it’s makin’ me glitch (hey) ‘Fore I had hits, I was hittin’ a lick (hits) ‘Fore I got rich, I had gang in this bitch (gang) Codeine dreamin’, there was pain in them sips (drank) Gave her my hoodie, then called her a Lyft (woo) She know I’m not lame, I got racks in the bank, I got thirty-four chains (thirty) All of this pain, I’ma fuck around and blink (pain) I got no one to talk to, no one to exchange (nobody) None of my words, callin’ up Murk, had to check in on Jerz My son is Wave, I know how to surf (Wave) Life is a maze, better learn how it work (maze) We move in silence, we boardin’ the bird Pittsburgh Steelers with the black and yellow diamonds (go) Maybach coupe, in the seats I recline in (hey) Fresh out of jail, I ain’t know what I was signin’ (jail) I was havin’ drip ‘fore I knew about designer (woo) Lookin’ for the right one, then fucked around and found her (found her) Haters in the circle, had to get the fuck around ’em (hey) If we got a problem, make the young nigga down him (baow) Fuckin’ with a gangster, I bend you on a counter (hey) Runnin’ through these bands, you can never trust these hoes I ain’t fuckin’ with a fan, nigga, knowin’ that’s a no (no) Stand up like a man when the world get cold (man) Spray him with a tan, why he thought I was a hoe? (Why?) Jet goin’ Thailand, when I got a show (Thailand) Learn how to finance when I got a load (woo) Took her out a Scion, put her in a Rolls (Rolls) Shit is not science, get a bankroll (go) Don’t you, don’t you lie, yeah Don’t you lie, don’t you lie Don’t you, don’t you lie, yeah Don’t you, don’t you lie, yeah Music video by Offset performing DON’T YOU LIE. Motown Records; © 2023 UMG Recordings, Inc.