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todayPlayed.word = word; todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords; todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; allTimeGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(allTimeGamePlayed)); } else { todayPlayed.date = currentYear+"-"+currentMonth+"-"+currentDate; todayPlayed.word = word; todayPlayed.guesses = typedWords; todayPlayed.letterAPC = allGuesses; todayPlayed.todayWordle = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; if(correctGuess == true) todayPlayed.score = allGuesses.length; else todayPlayed.score = "X"; todayWordleGamePlayed.push(todayPlayed); localStorage.setItem("todayWordlePlayed", JSON.stringify(todayWordleGamePlayed)); } document.getElementById("played").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById("todayWordle").innerHTML = wordList.indexOf(word)+1; 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messageBox.textContent = "Not in word list!"; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; }, 5000); } } if(!gameOver && row == height) { gameOver = true; messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "Almost! Good luck next time!\n Correct Word is :"+word; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); let currentWordIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentWordIndex')); currentWordIndex--; localStorage.setItem('currentWordIndex', currentWordIndex.toString()); } } let result = []; function check(input, wordle) { const letters = Array.from(input.toUpperCase()), word = Array.from(wordle.toUpperCase()); result = Array(5).fill(''); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (letters[i] === word[i]) { result[i] = 'green', word[i] = ''; letters[i] = ''; } } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!letters[i]) continue; const index = word.indexOf(letters[i]); if (index !== -1) { result[i] = 'yellow', word[index] = ''; } } return result; } let allGuesses = []; let typedLetters = ""; function update() { let guess = ""; for(let c = 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + "-" + c.toString()); currTile.style.color = "white"; let letter = currTile.innerText; guess += letter; } guess = guess.toLowerCase(); check(guess,word); let correct = 0; let letterCount = {}; for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { letter = word[i]; if (letterCount[letter]) letterCount[letter] += 1; else letterCount[letter] = 1; } for(let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText; if(result[c] == "green") { currTile.classList.add("correct"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter); keyTile.classList.remove("present"); keyTile.classList.add("correct"); correct += 1; letterCount[letter] -= 1; if(correct == width) { gameOver = true; correctGuess = true; let messageBox = document.getElementById("message-box"); messageBox.textContent = "You did it! Great Job!"; messageBox.style.display = "flex"; setTimeout(() => { messageBox.style.display = "none"; saveToLocalStorage(); }, 3000); } } } typedLetters = ""; for (let c= 0; c < width; c++) { let currTile = document.getElementById(row.toString() + '-' + c.toString()); let letter = currTile.innerText.toLowerCase(); if(!currTile.classList.contains("correct")) { if(result[c] == "yellow" && letterCount[letter] > 0) { typedLetters += "P"; currTile.classList.add("present"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(!keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) keyTile.classList.add("present"); letterCount[letter] -= 1; } else { typedLetters += "A"; currTile.classList.add("absent"); let keyTile = document.getElementById("Key" + letter.toUpperCase()); if(keyTile.classList.contains("correct")) continue; else keyTile.classList.add("absent"); } } else typedLetters += "C"; } allGuesses.push(typedLetters); row += 1; col = 0; result = []; } function hidePlayed() { document.getElementById("played").style.display = "none"; 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The Hip Hop Wordle

The Hip Hop Wordle
Your Score :

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Louie Xo Unleashes His 30th Musical Marvel With ‘Project 30’ – A Christmas Gift For Fans, Showcasing Fresh Talent, And A Powerhouse Label

“Louie XO: Pioneering a New Wave of Sound with ‘Project 30’ and Championing Emerging Talent Through ‘TBA’ and ‘TGA'”

Columbus, Ohio – Louie XO, the sensational SoundCloud artist known for his groundbreaking music, is gearing up to make a monumental mark in the music industry with his 30th project, an album titled “PR30JECT” (or “Project 30”). This much-anticipated release is set to captivate audiences and fans around the world.

In a move that further solidifies Louie XO’s presence in the music industry, he has recently signed his final male artist, Xember, to his label “TBA(Thot Boy Association). Louie XO is known for his keen eye for talent scouting, and the addition of Xember is set to add a new dimension of musical prowess to the label.

Louie XO’s influence extends beyond “TBA,” as he also champions female artists through his label “TGA” (Thot Girl Association). Artists such as DKpezoz and Tee6lurz have already made waves under Louie XO’s guidance, and fans hotly anticipate their future collaborations.

To celebrate his continued success and connect with fans, Louie XO has an upcoming show in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 29th. This is a golden opportunity for fans to experience Louie XO’s mesmerizing performances live. Tickets for the event are available now on his official Instagram page @louiexo___.

It’s important to note that while the album “Project 30” is generating immense excitement, it won’t be released until Christmas. This will be a musical gift to the world during the festive season. And to kick off the new year with a bang, Louie XO plans to drop a deluxe version, promising even more outstanding music for his fans.

For more information about Louie XO, his music, his label, and upcoming events, please visit his official social media profiles.

Take advantage of this monumental moment in Louie XO’s career. Stay tuned for “Project 30” and join him at his Atlanta show on October 29th. Louie XO is a name that’s making waves in the music industry, and the journey has only just begun.

For media inquiries and interview requests, please contact:



Then Deluxe Version On New Year

About Louie XO

Louie XO is a SoundCloud sensation and emerging artist with an unshakable passion for music. Known for his distinct sound and knack for spotting talent, he has been a force to reckon with in the music industry. Louie XO’s labels “TBA” (Thot Boy Association) and “TGA” (Thot Girl Association) have nurtured promising artists, and his upcoming album “Project 30” is set to redefine the music scene. Connect with Louie XO on Instagram at @louiexo___ for updates and exclusive content.


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